Monday, March 9, 2009

Bum Genius!

At first, I was a bit apprehensive about using cloth diapers. I mean - ick! But, they've really turned out to be a blessing to Harper's sensitive little bum. It turns out Harper has sensitive skin just like her mommy and hypersensitivity to chlorine may just be in her genes. Whenever we use disposable diapers (most brands have chlorine and other harsh chemicals in them) -- it doesn't matter if it is one, two or ten in a row, our poor daughter gets the worst diaper rash. However, when we use the bum genius, the rash quickly heals and her sweet bum stays nice and healthy.

We currently have 16 of the Bum Genius, so I'm doing laundry once a day, but we'll continue to build our supply so we don't have to substitute disposable diapers when all of the cloth are dirty or in the wash. For now, we've completely made the switch to chlorine-free disposables and hope that they will keep the rash at bay when we do have to use the occasional 'sposie.

Harper's diapers - washed, folded, ready and waiting


Unknown said...

They look like Easter eggs! Pretty!

The Northrups said...

I like "'sposie". I'm going to use that from now on :-)