Sunday, May 31, 2009

A birthday weekend with Grammylou and Pop and mommy and daddy date night

I have cherished each and every moment that I've been afforded at home with Harper, but from time to time, I find myself missing conversation with my TI friends and contacts in the community. So, when Robin and I received an invitation to join the TI table at the Obelisk Awards, an awards dinner hosted by and benefiting the North Texas Business for Culture and the Arts, I immediately called Grammylou and Pop to see if they could come to Dallas to stay with Harper. The timing couldn't have been more perfect - not only did Harper get to see her Grammylou and Pop -- she got to help her Pop celebrate his 62nd birthday. What a special weekend!

Yesterday, we had a nice, lazy Saturday morning. Harper is so much more interactive now then when Grammylou and Pop last saw her two months ago -- they really had fun playing with her!

Grammylou and Harper giggling and playing on the deck

They usually put themselves to work when they are here and while we truly appreciate all of their help more than words can ever express, we knew they needed a change of pace (we did, too!) so we took them to the cute, quaint downtown McKinney square for Art Walk. Robin and I love to poke around the McKinney boutique and antique shops a few times a year, so we had fun revisiting and showing off our favorites.

Yesterday evening, Robin and I dressed up for the Obelisk Awards, which this year were held in Dallas' historic Union Station. It was such a special evening -- it provided a perfect opportunity to catch-up with former colleagues as well as my fellow Leadership Arts Institute classmates. It also ended up being a very special and emotional night as we all honored Pat Porter as she retired from the NTBCA after serving as their CEO for the past 21 years.

We were gone for about five and a half hours and came home to a very quiet house -- even Grammylou and Pop had been dozing on the couch. Harper was sleeping soundly and reportedly had a fairly good night, though she refused to take a bottle. I'm beginning to think she may never drink from a bottle, which makes it difficult for me to go anywhere without her, but it also leaves us with one less habit to wean her from. Grammylou and Pop - thank you so much for staying with Harper. We had a great time out and didn't have to worry once because we knew she was in loving care!

all dressed up with somewhere to go

Today was Harper's Pop's 62nd birthday. And, it was this weekend last year that we helped him celebrate his birthday at Oak Ridge with the news that he was going to be a grandpa! This year, we celebrated with a trip to the Dallas Zoo before they headed back to San Angelo. Happy Birthday, Bill, Dad, Pop! We had a great time with both you and Grammylou! We hope to see you again soon!

Pop, Harper and Mommy

Daddy and his little monkey

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Harper's bedtime ritual

Visits with friends

My sweet friend Kari is one of my favorite friends from TI. We had a close working relationship and became good friends over the years. She came to meet Harper in April and we had a very nice visit over lunch -- I've really missed her creative and giving spirit, so it was great to catch-up, and Harper just loved the attention. We always enjoy our lunch visitors and we hope to see Kari again soon!

Recently, our friend Anne introduced Harper and me to The Pearl Cup - a delicious new coffee house on Henderson. It's a perfect place for long, flowing conversation over a tasty cup of soy Mexican hot chocolate and a chocolate snickerdoodle cookie (I'm sure the coffee is great, also). Anne recently blogged about The Pearl Cup. If you haven't been, Harper and I recommend a visit soon and if you'd like company, let us know -- we'd love to spend the morning with you and a nice cup of soy Mexican hot chocolate on their patio!

Lunch at The Orange House is so much easier than dining out, so we love it when our working friends take time out of their busy schedules to spend time with us over a nice relaxed lunch at home. Our friend Olga recently came over for lunch and Harper absolutely adored her. In fact, she had so much fun with Olga that she fussed and fussed after Olga left. Olga has the cutest kids ever, and I know Harper looks forward to meeting them and Olga's hubby Scot soon!

Linda and John -- Robin's good friends and "extended family" -- were in town from Atlanta for a friend's college graduation and stopped in to meet Harper and bring us dinner. We haven't seen them since our wedding, so it was a real treat to see them! Linda and John were Robin's second parents when he was in high school, so they all enjoyed reminiscing, and I was thankful for the time to get to know them a little better.

Harper and I had a lovely lunch with my friend Janie at The Chocolate Angel -- a prissy tea room in Richardson. Janie is a great friend from TI and I've really missed our hallway chats, so it was extra nice to meet her for a ladies lunch. Harper passed the time by flirting and smiling with Janie and basking in the attention and compliments from all of the lunching ladies. If you ever want to go to a place where almost everybody in the restaurant will stop to coo at your baby -- The Chocolate Angel is the place to go!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Fort Worth's wild side

Harper, Robin and I took advantage of Robin's day off for Memorial Day with a visit to the Fort Worth Zoo. What an amazing facility! It was our first time to visit, and we were all impressed. In fact, Harper squealed with delight when I first fastened her in her baby carrier -- she was so excited to see all of the animals and people. In fact, she stayed awake and fully engaged the entire time we were there. Robin had fun playing with our new camera and taking pictures of the animals.

We looked at the animals in the petting zoo, but didn't touch them. Maybe next time.

the wise Ibex

Spoonbills -- one of Granbee's favorite birds

The lion yelled at the noisy crowd for a bit before curling up to take a nap.

the black rhino

it was a lazy meerkat Monday


After our zoo adventures, we popped in to Jenny and Paul's annual "Memorial Day Mojito Madness" party. We weren't able to stay long since it was late in the day and the time was quickly encroaching on Harper's bedtime, but I was so grateful for the opportunity to see Jenny and Paul and for them to meet Harper. They are overdue for a visit to Richardson, so we hope to see them soon!

cutie patootie

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Harper's first trip to Austin

Earlier this week, Robin and I came to the conclusion that we were in desperate need of a quick get-away, so we escaped to Austin to visit our good friends Erin and Jason and their eight month old, Weston. It was great to get away and just what we needed. Thanks, Erin, Jason and Weston for being such gracious hosts!

It rained off and on during the weekend, so we ditched our hiking plans for poking around the shops on South Congress. Pictured above: Padre Luchador Loco aka La Amenaza Rosa

We didn't plan well for the rain and forgot our umbrellas, but Harper stayed dry under her blanket.

We stopped in at the South Congress Cafe -- one of my favorite cafes in Austin -- for lunch. I am absolutely crazy about their Tomato Stilton soup and wish we lived in Austin so I could savor it more often. Weston and I played patty cake while we were waiting.

Weston is just the cutest little guy and he is a spitting image of his daddy.

He loves his Baby Mum Mums. I tasted them and while they are not for me, I am sure Harper will love them when she's a little older!

While we were waiting, I let Harper play with an ice cube in my hand. She was really curious about it, and didn't startle at the cold sensation.

We spent the evening back at Erin and Jason's, and it was fun to watch the kids interact. Harper studied Weston's each and every move and even started trying to mimic his vocal play. He is at the stage where he is pulling up on everything and scooting around the house with lightening speed. Robin and I quickly realized that we are nowhere near ready for Harper to be at that stage. We really need to focus on making our house safer for Harper because we know mobility is just around the corner.

It was so much fun to watch Jason interact with Weston. He is so proud of his son and just loves babies.

Erin has the coolest job. She is the Executive Director of the Colorado River Foundation. She gets up every morning to support the health and prosperity of so many Texans and beyond by promoting stewardship of the Colorado River through educating adults and children (with an increased focus on low-income school-aged kids) about the importance of the river and how everybody can do their part to keep it clean and in turn contribute to a chain of ecological events that affects millions of people. On Sunday, she took us to one of the coolest places in Austin -- her office, which is in the Lower Colorado River Authority's Wilkerson Center at Redbud. The Center is a LEED certified gold facility and features a way cool replica of the Colorado River, complete with interractive stations that allow users to generate hydroelectric power and cause floods or droughts for farmers and homes down the river. It is open during the week for public self-guided tours, so if you haven't been, you really must!

On our way out of town, we stopped by Mozarts for a snack and to give the kids one last opportunity to play. Harper had so much fun studying and then trying to emulate Weston. I really look forward to watching them grow up together. The next time we see them, Harper will be sitting and mobile -- a whole new world!

Erin, Jason and Weston -- thank you so very much for being such gracious hosts. We loved spending the time with the three of you and look forward to seeing you again soon!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy 4 months, Harper!

Sweet Harper, I can't believe you are already four-months old! Time has passed way too fast and you are growing up right before my eyes. I dearly miss so many of your newborn mannerisms -- the way you would cuddle with me and sleep for hours during the day, the way you would root around on my chest and neck when you were hungry, the little piggy grunting noises you made when you were trying to nurse, your newborn cry and sighs and the chipmunk noises you made when you were unhappy. But, while I will always miss your newborn idiosyncrasies, I have fallen even more in love with your hugs, your quirky smile and flirty nature, and the way you shyly nuzzle your head in my hair when you're unsure about new people or surroundings.

Four months has been a magical age for you. You are happy, chatty and playful for the majority of the day. You've settled into a napping routine and you will put yourself down for your morning nap, though you sometimes need encouragement for your afternoon nap.

You look forward to our long walks and prefer for me to wear you in your baby carrier, though you will settle for your stroller if I am too tired to carry you. You love bright colors and people and delight in going places with your daddy and me. You are a great shopper and we talk to each other the entire time we are in the store, even though we tend to get strange looks.

You are eager to stand and sit up and just need to hold onto my fingers to help you balance. In fact, you sometimes fuss if I don't realize that you want my help with sitting or standing.

You love playing with your toys and immediately bring them all to your mouth. You have always refused a pacifier, but you have learned to soothe yourself by sucking on your fists or your thumb. You also enjoy sucking and gnawing on my knuckles. You are a champion bubble blower and have hours of fun each day blowing bubbles and even spraying them on mommy and daddy. In fact, my shoulder is usually damp from your bubbles, and you almost always wear a bib to keep your chest dry.

You have taken to putting yourself to sleep at night, though you still wake up once or twice for me to feed you. I look forward to you waking up early every morning so I can bring you back to our bed so you can nurse and nap with me while I get a little more sleep while daddy gets ready for work.

You have my heart wrapped around your raspy little voice and I relish every coo and squeal. Sometimes I know I hear words in your vocal play and I am so eager for you to find those words to share your thoughts with your daddy and me. For now, we're learning sign language so we can communicate better.

I love you sweet girl, and I am so proud and happy to be your mommy. I never imagined a love as deep as my love for you could exist. But it does, and it continues to grow with every passing moment. Happy four months, sweet Harper. You'll always be my sunshine!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Four month check-up

Harper had a great four month check-up today! She measured 25.25 inches, which put her in the 80th percentile for length and she weighed 12 lbs, 15 oz, which put her in the 25th percentile for weight. She is a long, lean baby just like her momma was.

Dr. Porter was very pleased with her growth and was happy with our decision to wait until her half-birthday before we introduce foods other than my milk. He was also thrilled with her development and encouraged us to continue working on sitting, standing and rolling over. She has developed great core strength, and she has focused determination when it comes to sitting and standing, so I expect that both of these may be right around the corner.

Robin and I haven't read The Vaccine Book, but we understand the controversy about administering so many vaccines to such a young baby and we've really wrestled with our decisions and just hope that we're doing the right thing. We haven't refused any vaccines to-date, but we have decided to spread them out -- we just don't think it is a good idea to pump so many foreign substances all at once into such a little body. I consented to one vaccine today. Harper and I both cried the last time she got a shot, so Nurse Needle let me hold her this time. Brave Harper let out a brief whimper, but neither Harper nor mommy shed a tear!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

a visit with Aunt Summer and Uncle Greg

Harper's Aunt Summer and Uncle Greg live way far away in Boston so we don't get to see them as often as we like. Harper did her best to charm them into moving closer on a recent way-too-quick visit. We're hopeful that they will find a way to move to Dallas once the economy improves. In the meantime, we'll have to enjoy short visits, frequent phone calls and Internet chats.
Harper took Aunt Summer to lunch at one of our favorite lunching spots -- the Nasher Sculpture Center.

I had to go to the hospital for a scheduled procedure while Summer was here, and had to be put under anesthesia, which meant I had to wait 24 hours after the procedure before I could nurse Harper. She still really fusses when we try to give her a bottle, so Summer experienced the fury that our sweet girl expresses when faced with a plastic nipple. Poor Harper finally decided she was hungry enough to eat, but we were only able to get her to take 6 - 8 ounces in the 24 non-nursing hours. We were all relieved when it was okay for me to feed her again!

Harper loved playing with her Aunt Summer and looks forward to visiting her this fall in Boston!

Aunt Summer and Uncle Greg - thank you for visiting -- we hope you will visit again soon and we promise to take more pictures next time -- I can't believe we don't have a single picture of Uncle Greg with his niece! Aunt Summer - thank you for taking such great care of Harper!!

Monday, May 4, 2009