Earlier this week, Robin and I came to the conclusion that we were in desperate need of a quick get-away, so we escaped to Austin to visit our good friends Erin and Jason and their eight month old, Weston. It was great to get away and just what we needed. Thanks, Erin, Jason and Weston for being such gracious hosts!

It rained off and on during the weekend, so we ditched our hiking plans for poking around the shops on South Congress.
Pictured above: Padre Luchador Loco aka La Amenaza Rosa
We didn't plan well for the rain and forgot our umbrellas, but Harper stayed dry under her blanket.

We stopped in at the
South Congress Cafe -- one of my favorite cafes in Austin -- for lunch. I am absolutely crazy about their Tomato Stilton soup and wish we lived in Austin so I could savor it more often. Weston and I played
patty cake while we were waiting.

Weston is just the cutest little guy and he is a spitting image of his daddy.

He loves his Baby Mum Mums. I tasted them and while they are not for me, I am sure Harper will love them when she's a little older!

While we were waiting, I let Harper play
with an ice cube in my hand. She was really curious about it, and didn't startle at the cold sensation.

We spent the evening back at Erin and Jason's, and it was fun to watch the kids interact. Harper studied Weston's each and every move and even started trying to mimic his vocal play. He is at the stage where he is pulling up on everything and scooting around the house with lightening speed. Robin and I quickly realized that we are nowhere near ready for Harper to be at that stage. We really need to focus on making our house safer for Harper because we know mobility is just around the corner.

It was so much fun to watch Jason interact with Weston. He is so proud of his son and just loves babies.

Erin has the coolest job. She is the Executive Director of the
Colorado River Foundation. She gets up every morning to support the health and prosperity of so many Texans and beyond by promoting stewardship of the Colorado River through educating adults and children (with an increased focus on low-income school-aged kids) about the importance of the river and how everybody can do their part to keep it clean and in turn contribute to a chain of ecological events that affects millions of people. On Sunday, she took us to one of the coolest places in Austin -- her office, which is in the Lower Colorado River Authority's
Wilkerson Center at Redbud. The Center is a LEED certified gold facility and features a way cool replica of the Colorado River, complete with interractive stations that allow users to generate hydroelectric power and cause floods or droughts for farmers and homes down the river. It is open during the week for public self-guided tours, so if you haven't been, you really must!

On our way out of town, we stopped by Mozarts for a snack and to give the kids one last opportunity to play. Harper had so much fun studying and then trying to emulate Weston. I really look forward to watching them grow up together. The next time we see them, Harper will be sitting and mobile -- a whole new world!

Erin, Jason and Weston -- thank you so very much for being such gracious hosts. We loved spending the time with the three of you and look forward to seeing you again soon!
1 comment:
We had a blast! Glad you all could visit. Come back anytime. It was so great to meet Harper and to watch she and Weston interact! looking forward to seeing you all again soon.
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