Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"subtext" 2010 Dallas Video Association 24hr. Video Race

This year I joined an incredibly talented group of folks to take part in a 24hr video race. The idea is teams receive a theme, prop, location and line of dialog at midnight and then have 24 hours to write, shoot and produce a short video. This year the theme was acceptance, prop -cell phone, location - fast food joint, line - "is that all there is?" My team consisted of two photographers (I was one of the two), a director, an audio/music producer and three actors. We also had a B-team on location in England waiting to shoot some bonus footage if the story called for it. Once we had our story worked out, we started shooting. We shot through the night and began editing by dawn. Due to some technical hiccups we didn't get all of the UK footage in time to include it in the judged video but we made it to the finals and ended up taking third place in our category. Here is the final video we planned to shoot with the missing UK footage added. We may never know if we could have placed higher with the final video but we had a great time making it and the team plans to do something again very soon. Hope you enjoy the video we made. Please share it with your friends.

This is Subtext...

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